Whatever your requirements, our fast and efficient in-house framing department can help. Whether you require a complete exhibition framing or an existing frame repaired, no job is too big or too small. We are totally committed to quality and service, all of our frames and mounts are conservation quality produced to the highest standards.
Whatever your requirements, our fast and efficient in-house framing department can help. Whether you require a complete exhibition framing or an existing frame repaired, no job is too big or too small. We are totally committed to quality and service, all of our frames and mounts are conservation quality produced to the highest standards.
All frames hand-made and finished to your exact requirements
All frames hand-made and finished to your exact requirements
Archival & acid-free materials
Archival & acid-free materials
Choose from a range of styles, from classic to contemporary
Choose from a range of styles, from classic to contemporary

1.1. These terms and conditions govern the supply of all services and supplies by The Senecio Press Limited ("Senecio") to all clients.
2.1. All prices specified on our pricelists may change from time to time without warning where necessary due to increases in third party suppliers' costs and/or labour costs.
2.2. All prices quoted are subject to VAT and delivery unless specified and all quotes are valid for 30 days from date of issue.
2.3. The client will settle the account in full within 7 days from date of invoice unless otherwise stated.
2.4. All pricing, unless otherwise specified, is based on square meterage of print coverage. However, Senecio do have a minimum charge of £45 per printed piece to cover the costs of running the machines and any preparation time that may be required.
3.1. The client may collect any work from Senecio within their standard trading hours.
3.2. All deliveries on overnight courier services must be signed for by the client. Any damages must be reported to Senecio within 3 working days. If not, Senecio will not be held responsible for any losses/damages arising from the delivery.
4.1. All artwork, digital files, data and other materials remain at the client's risk at all times and the client is held responsible for insuring items at their own expense.
4.2. Whilst every reasonable care will be taken whilst handling prints, artworks and other items stored by Senecio on the client's instruction and behalf, this is offered on the understanding that Senecio is not responsible for the loss (including theft), destruction of or damage to any of the items belonging to the client.
4.3. Senecio will store digital data arising from scanning, printing or other works for a maximum period of up to 6 months. This is on the basis that Senecio are not responsible for the future integrity of that data, or any failure to retrieve data from Senecio's storage archive.
4.4. If any items or work produced by Senecio is not collected within 12 months of completion, then Senecio may dispose of or destroy such items.
5.1. Whilst every reasonable care will be taken in handling the client's materials, our liability for any loss or damage however caused or damage in production, in transit or delay in transit wherever the destination, or during storage is limited to the basic material replacement cost, this value is taken to be no more than £100 per order; and
5.2. Senecio will not be liable for any consequential loss or damage incurred by the customer or any other party including loss of profit or income; and
5.3. The client shall be responsible to insure against such costs of re-shooting, replacement, loss or damage.
6.1. Senecio advises the client to secure insurance against all eventualities as set out in Clause 5 above.
7.1. Senecio shall not be liable for any failure to perform any contract due to any circumstances beyond its control including, but not limited to, inability to secure labour, materials, supplies, transport, scarcity of fuel, power or components, machine breakdown, internet failure, fire, storm, flood, act of God, war, civil disturbance, strikes, lock-outs or industrial action in whatever forms. In the event of a force manure Senecio's obligations affected will be postponed for as long as made necessary by the event.
8.1. The client undertakes that materials submitted for processing, printing or other services provided by Senecio should not infringe any copyright. The client is responsible if any legal actions are brought about by any third party against Senecio through breach of copyright. In such cases the client agrees to indemnify Senecio against all losses, damages, claims or any expenses which Senecio may reasonably incur by virtue of the above undertaking.